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"To build a relationship with Jesus Christ and one another and transform our world from house to house, village to village, city to city and nation to nation."
DOVE is an international church planting movement that partners with churches and ministries to advance God’s Kingdom.
DOVE started in Africa with a weekly fellowship meeting in Ibrahim and Diane’s home in Nairobi. That was in 1988. The group multiplied and became a church, church planters were sent out, and expansion continued.
Through relationships and networking, DOVE Africa has now grown to over 300 churches in seven nations. We focus on church planting and missions based on the pillars of prayer, evangelism and discipleship.
DOVE Africa is part of the DOVE International network of churches.
Raising up and sending out African leaders and missionaries to plant churches and bring the gospel of the kingdom to the unreached.
God has given us the mandate to pray for all nations. The DOVE Africa Prayer Center will be available to the body of Christ and house 24-7 prayer, worship and Bible reading. Through prayer, individuals and cultures will be experience healing and transformation.
Matthew 21:14 “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
DOVE Africa churches are shaping the hearts and minds of children by instilling Kingdom values through God’s Word and value-based education in schools.
Empowering Africans to get out of the cycle of systemic poverty through microfinance and other economic empowerment resources.
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